Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Difference between teaser and main trailer

This is a teaser trailer for the disney film called frozen. It is 1:27 in length which is very short for a trailer but not for a teaser trailer. Teaser trailer's are generally shorter in length as it does not have as much information as a normal trailer does. A teaser trailer, as you see in this video, does not explain the story or plot of a film, nor does it give you an overlook of the scenes in the film. It is very minimalist and shows you a couple of main characters and a couple of locations, in this case one, and it has some dialog that has been taken from another scene or the scene that you are watching.

This is a normal trailer for the film 300:Rise of an Empire. This has many differences from the teaser trailer. For example, this does have dialog but it does not have as much as it mainly focuses on the sound that is in the trailer. Also, the trailer is longer as it is 2:31 which means that there is much more information about the film in the trailer. It shows much more scenes and locations than the teaser trailer.

The reason why we have the two trailers are simple. One is to give you a brief look at the film so that you are interested in finding out more about the film where as the other one tells you allot more about the film, who is in it and what you can expect from the film.

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