Monday, 10 June 2013


The trailer for Pacific Rim is a good trailer for a film as it has all the things you would expect a trailer to have. for example, the trailer has all the important information through out the trailer such as the companies involved of the movie, who the director was and when the film comes out in cinema. Also the trailer is conventional as it has a voice over which gives you information about what is happening in the film yet does not give to much away (in this case it is mixed with a voice over and a speech in the film to create an atmosphere so you are more encouraged to go and see the film). The trailer also has a lot of different clips that gives you a taste of what the film will be like and also helps you to understand what the voice over is saying as the clips generally matches with what is being said.

The sound in the trailer is good as well as it has been selected to fit the clips so that it has all be timed to fit together. this is good as it helps the audience engage with the trailer and helps draw them in.

this trailer for insidious 2 is good as it fits all the conventions for a normal film trailer. it gives you clear information as to what the film is about and give you some of the plot so that you know what you are going to see. also it shows you all the main characters in the film and what role they play in the film. these are the people who talk in the trailer rather than having a voice over in the trailer as it makes it more linkable to the film knowing that the words are coming straight from the different film clips.
the edit in the trailer is mostly fade in and fade out as it adds suspense to the trailer (this helps it relate to the genre of a horror). also because its a horror it has fast cuts from one scene to another at times to also make it feel like a horror, this when added with the sound is mainly to make you jump and be surprised so that the trailer seems more scary. the sound in the trailer also helps hake if seem like a horror because most of the music is sinister and the dialogue in the trailer is mainly of the people sounded scared and worried about something.

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