Monday, 23 September 2013


When we presented our idea for the film and what we have for our film we was given feedback as to some issues people had with our idea.
The main issue that was raised was that the layout of our film gives to much away about the story. Originally we was going to show our main character wealthy and safe and then go back in time to how he got there. The point was raised that f we did it like this then it would not matter what happened in the film as you have been told he is fine and he is going to make it through with the money and with his life. This was a big point to consider so we took that section out and now we are thinking of ways to start the film without giving to much away but still having the flash back as we as  group liked the idea of having different tenses in our film.

we was also giving advise on our location as we was not specific enough as we just said in london and for our pitch we was told that we needed specific places and locations and reasons for those locations. therefor we went away and came up with a couple of places where we would like to film and why.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog needs a lot of work Chalrie. Currently this is at a D3 level. To improve you need to post with more regulairty and make sure yo uare keeping up with the expected posts. You also need to post using a greater variety of interactive media. Your pitch was better, but your evaluation is a little basic. you should include any powerpoint or preparation materials you had and discuss the effect this had on your pitch.
