Monday, 28 April 2014

Q4 - How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

We used a variety of new media technologies during our construction and research,planning and evaluation such as an Ipad ,IMac ,Sony SLR, Nikon D5200 and an Iphone 5s. (as seen below)

Using different media technologies enabled us to do a variety of things that we would not be able to do without these new media platforms such as blog on the go and voice recording. We also used cameras to record interviews with our cast members whilst we were in the recruitment stage.

When looking at the trailer which we produced and edited using final cut express I can see that we used many features of the service such as slow motion and lighting effects we also used facebook to distribute our film. 
Blogger: This program allowed me to place all of work and express my work. This program was like a diary that allowed me to express what I wanted to achieve in my final edit. It also allowed me to import images, moodboards, music and clips of example work which helped me to find camera angles and use them in my edit and find out how they would effect my work.
Prezi: This program showed me to present information in a different creative way about my film, also examples of ideas that I may of had such as, camera angles, music, images and artists.
Garageband: This program allowed me to analyze music and rearrange parts that made a slow entrance and a louder middle part to the film which made my edit flow with the clips that I put in.
Powtoon: Using Powtoon is a different way of presenting a post. The program was creative in displaying information which we could put video's and images in and annotate with text. We could also use Powtoon to create videos of our own and myself and my team took full advantage of it.
Apple macs: We used apple mac computers as they were the best way of editing with clips together. Also they allowed us to blend music and titles together. Also we were allowed access to other programs such as garageband and final cut, which an ordinary computer wouldn't have.

Iphone 5s: We used these smartphones whilst we were on the go because they have internet and communicative capabilities making them perfect for research on the go, there is also a notebook application which is very useful for keeping hold of text such as the script and written treatment so that we can refer to them whilst on set instead of carrying around a notepad.

Q3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

From audience feedback i have been able to gather information, on Facebook an network site whereby friends of friends are able to see that A2 trailer. Whereby, people are able to comment on the post about their thoughts and feelings about it. 
I will create a couple of questions where i will ask people about certain micro aspects and aspects from the trailer in which they liked.

Q1) What did you think of the entrance to the main actor ?
Q2) Was the genre action, thriller, mystery clear enough ?
Q3) What was your favourite part in the trailer ?
Q4) Where do you think we could improve our trailer ?
Q5) Did the lighting aspects feel like an modern film noir ?

I interviewed the main actor Adam Riddlestone in which he gave my some positive and negative feedback about the trailer. I found that mainly certain areas of the genre may have been unclear, but from his own words the main actor was a strong entrance to the audience. Asking these questions in an interview lead to other areas of the trailer to be analyzed within my next evaluation posts. The video will allow me to feedback to my group and suggest certain areas whereby we could improve and combine scenes together to create a better genre definition.

An Interview is available for this question but due to technical difficulties only one of our blogs has the content, this link has the video uploaded and working:

Q2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Our Trailer resembles many of the media convergence and ancillary texts. Examples, such as the:  Entrance Piracy Certificate, Film Company Logo (Paramount), Titles within the trailer promoting companies and brands. The Main Title of the Trailer at the end of the trailer, which then is followed by the ending subtitles, such as the release date and various actors names and the main people of editing, directing and Director of Photographer.

Spelling, grammar and presentation check – understanding of the combination of main product and ancillary texts Presenting outcomes in suitable digital form eg. DVD extras, blogs, podcasts, commentary etc. The choice of form in which to present the evaluation Bibliography

If you take our final production and our ancillary texts like our poster you can see the same dynamic in both and they both give across the same feel about them,

for example the genre of out film with the use of lighting and the way the actors portray them selves with the use of there facial expression and body language when in the poster and final film.

This is then interpreted in to what we want the audience to think which means that our final production and our poster link well and are very effective when put together.

this also stands for our magazine poster as the features that have been used in it, i.e. the picture we chose helps the audience make the link between the final production and the magazine cover.

As I stated, the picture is a big part of making the link of our film in relation to the genre of it as the expression and body language of the actor portrays and action mood which makes the audience realise that it is the genre of the film.

Also in terms of marketing the final film the posters and magazine covers have a big role as they act as the voice of the creators, in this case us, as it gets the message of the film out there and tells people what its about and other information about the film that normally would not be available unless an interview had been set up.

Q1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products ?

Certain aspects that i used to create and influence my trailer were such things as:  Poster/magazine Cover, Film production logos.

Film title
bbfc age limit
Social media
Character intro
Music and voice overs (Dialogue)
Name captions
Time length
Release date

story board

Final film

This is our final production of the Forgotten Man.

Friday, 25 April 2014


fighting on camera can be a tricky thing as it is not like a normal fight. it is done in a controlled environment and every punch is planed out. this is made difficult in that it has to be seen as believable. this is why all the fight scenes are choreographed and planed out before shooting them.

these are a few examples of films that have had fight in them that have been well choreographed:

Filming Schedual

  • Filming Starting on 20/11/2013 

  • Monday- Establishing shots and Location scouting - Filmed and directed by Charlie Blackmore and Alex Rosling.

  • Tuesday- beginning the filming of the opening sequence - Filmed by Charlie Hudson, Directed by Charlie Blackmore, staring Adam Riddleston

  • Wednesday-filming all choreographed fight scenes for film - Filmed and directed by Charlie Hudson, staring Adam Riddleston, Alex Rosling, Joe Wood and Charlie Blackmore.

  • Thursday-Filming chase scenes and other speaking roles for the film - Filmed by Charlie Hudson, Directed by Charlie Blackmore, Staring Alex Rosling, Adam Riddleston, Jess Wray.

  • Friday-uploading to the computer and sorting through footage - establishing outtakes 

  • Saturday- going out to shoot some extra shots if needed

  • Sunday- music - sorting out music and tones that fit the brief of the film

  • Monday-Editing process - Edit by Charlie Hudson
  • Tuesday- Editing process - Edit by Charlie Hudson
  • Wednesday-Editing process - Edit by Charlie Hudson

  • Thursday- reviewing the first full edit - looked at by Charlie Blackmore and Alex Rosling

  • Friday- making changes to the edit - edit by Charlie Hudson

  • Monday- adding in titles for our trailer and inserting music file - Titles made and edited in by Charlie Blackmore, Music made and put together by Charlie Hudson

  • Tuesday- uploading the trailer - Render and importing it to blogs for viewing
  • Thursday, 24 April 2014

    Newspaper Titles

    In a lot of big time trailers they have different magazines and papers that pop up in the middle of the trailer saying one word about the film. these are always words that are encouraging to the audience about how good the film is. this is something i would like to do as it would make it look like a more realistic trailer.

    As you can see from the trailer tha is being shown, the titles are always bold and on there own with out anything else in shot. this would likely be because it is like a braging right that the trailer gets and is saying how good it is, therefore they want to make it stand out so that people know how good the film is.

    Thursday, 17 April 2014

    To Do List



    Your blog is looking pretty bare so far. You have posted a little research, but you must post more to guarantee a better mark. Check out what Charlie Blackmore has done with his blog for ideas.

    Make sure you upload all of your evaluation questions in to your blog as the last posts, organised in numerical order.

    Upload all of your final practical work so that it is easy to find.

    Your blog MUST include a  storyboard and shooting schedule. Details are on the AS media blog. You won't get a level 1 (E-D grade) if these vital elements are clearly apparent!

    Enjoy the rest of your break,

    Mr S

    Tuesday, 1 April 2014

    25 word pitch

    What would you do, if you had nothing, would you take risks, would you take an opportunity, would you stop being, Forgotten Man

    final music

    In the end we had to make our own music up using Garage band. This was because our original music source, Sam Green, was unable to record for us. However this could be seen as a good thing as it meant that we could fit the sounds to the part of the film that we was working on.

    From the music clips we did not necessarily use the sounds in the order that they are in, they are saved like this so that i could cut the snippets that i needed and put them where they need to be.